Dennis Wolf
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Cardiology and Angiology I, Vascular Immunology Laboratory
RESEARCH: Acquired Metabolic Disease, Metabolic Signalling, Immunometabolism, Adaptive Immunity, T cells, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Inflammatory Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Apolipoproteins, Autoimmunity
METHODS: Flow Cytometry, CyTOF, single cell RNA-sequencing, clinical studies, Pharmacologic and genetic manipulation of metabolism, Transcriptomics
TECHNOLOGY: Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS)
Luciana Hannibal
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of General Pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine and Neonatology, MetaboCF Core Facility
RESEARCH: Inborn errors of metabolism, Genetic modifiers of metabolism, Sulfur-metabolism, Redox signalling, Cofactor enzymology and trafficking, Nutrition, Nutritional and Genetic deficiencies of vitamin B12, multiorgan-metabolic integration
METHODS: Metabolic labeling in cell culture, Targeted metabolomic profiling by mass spectrometry, Characterization of pathogenic protein variants, Protein-cofactor interactions, Rapid kinetics by stopped-flow, Biomarker discovery and standardization
TECHNOLOGIES: UHPLC Nexera X2/QTRAP Sciex 6500+ MS, HPLC -TSQ Vantage Triple Quadrupole MS, GC-MS system (7890 GC system coupled to a 5975C mass spectrometer, Agilent), Stopped-Flow with double mixer and dual UV-Vis/Fluorescence detection
Ian Gentle
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute for Microbiology and Hygiene
RESEARCH: Immunometabolism, Cancer Metabolism, Mitochondria, Innate Immune Sensing, Macrophages, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Cell Death, Inflammation, Crosstalk between cell death signalling and metabolism, Authophagy, metabolic regulation of transcription factors in AML
METHODS: Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Fluorescence microscopy, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, CRISPR-Cas9
Miriam Schmidts
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric genetics Division
RESEARCH: Human Genetics, Developmental Biology, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Ciliopathies, Kidney Diseases, Skeletal defects, Neurodevelopmental Diseases
METHODS: NGS, Gene editing, Transcriptomics, Proteomics (collaboration with Oliver Schilling. Pathology, University Hospital Freiburg), Metabolomics (collaboration with prof. Spiekerkötter), EM (in external collaboration)
TECHNOLOGIES: CRISPR/Cas gene editing vectors, NGS
Jochen Seufert
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of Medicine II (Endocrinology and Diabetology)
RESEARCH: Glucose Metabolism, Endocrine Pancreas Regeneration and Signal Transduction, Stem Cell Biology, Adipose Tissue Biology, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Obesity, Incretin Hormones, Clinical Trials in Diabetes and Metabolism, Novel Diabetes Medications, Insulin Research, Cardiovascular Disease, Inflammation, NAFLD
METHODS: Cell Biology, Animal Models for Obesity and Diabetes, Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Clinical Trials in Patients, Endoscopic bariatric interventions
TECHNOLOGIES: Clinical Trial Unit, Phase I-IV, Glucose Clamps in Animals and Humans
Chris Meisinger
Medical Faculty – Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
RESEARCH: Dynamic Adaptation of the Mitochondrial Proteome upon Stress and Metabolic Switches, Metabolic Signalling, Mitochondria, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Nervous System Diseases, Oncogenic Signalling
METHODS: Mitochondrial and Submitochondrial Proteomics and Phosphoproteomics, Global Kinome Profiling for Mitochondrial Signalling Pathways, Import and Assembly of Mitochondrial Proteins, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis
TECHNOLOGIES: Seahorse XFe96 Flux Analyzer (Agilent)
Robert Zeiser
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Internal Medicine I (Hematology and Oncology)
RESEARCH: Immunometabolism, Cancer Immunotherapy, Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, Graft-versus-Host Disease, Oncogenic Signaling
METHODS: Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of signaling in tumor cells, animal models for acute leukemia and melanoma, Metabolism, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, bioluminescence imaging
Katrin Kierdorf
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Neuropathology
RESEARCH: Developmental Immunology, Macrophage Development, Macrophage Function, Immunometabolism, Macrophage Metabolism, Metabolic Signalling
METHODS: Ex vivo cell culture platform to study immunometabolism in resident tissue macrophages, tissue normoxic cell cultures, transgenic Drosophila to study conserved immunometabolic signalling
CIBSS, SFB/TRR 167, CRC 1479
Jörg Büscher
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Metabolomics Core Facility
RESEARCH: Metabolomics sample preparation, Metabolomics measurements, Automatic data processing
METHODS: Discovery Metabolomics and Lipidomics, Targeted Metabolomics and Lipidomics, 13C label tracing
TECHNOLOGIES: GC-MS (Agilent), LC-QQQ-MS (Agilent), LC-QTOF-MS (Bruker)
Jens Timmer
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – Institute of Physics
RESEARCH: Cancer Metabolism, Mathematical Modelling, Signal Transduction, Developmental Biology, Immune System, Synthetic Biology
METHODS: Dynamic Pathway Modelling, Parameter Estimation in Differential Equations, Uncertainty Analysis, Experimental Design
TECHNOLOGIES: High Performance Computing
Oliver Schilling
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Surgical Pathology, Proteomics Core Facility
RESEARCH: Proteomics, Extra-cellular matrix, Post-translational modifications
METHODS: Liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry
TECHNOLOGIES: Hybrid quadrupole – Orbitrap mass spectrometer, Hybrid linear ion trap – Orbitrap mass spectrometer
Petya Apostolova
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics and Medical Center – Department of Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation
RESEARCH: Cancer Metabolism, Immunometabolism, Acute Leukemia, Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, Graft-versus-host disease, Immunotherapy, Immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced autoimmunity
METHODS: Untargeted Metabolomics and Lipidomics by MS, Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, Acute Leukemia and Allogeneic Stem Cell transplantation mouse models
TECHNOLOGIES: Proficiency in the analysis of raw data from LC-MS metabolomics and lipidomics (targeted, untargeted and tracing experiments)
Dietrich Ruess
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of General and Visceral Surgery
RESEARCH: Cancer Metabolism, Autophagy, Mitochondria, Pancreatic Cancer, Targeted Therapy, Tumor Microenvironment, Immunooncology
METHODS: Indirect Interference with mutant KRAS driven tumor cell intrinsic metabolic rewiring, Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation, Small Molecule Evaluation, Seahorse, Targeted Metabolomics and Metabolic Flux Analysis by MS (via collaboration)
Daniel Erny
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Neuropathology, Extracellular Flux Core Facility
RESEARCH: Immunometabolism, Mitochondria, Microglia, CNS Macrophages, Host-Microbiota-Crosstalk, Nervous System Diseases
METHODS: Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, flow cytometry-based metabolic analysis (Oxphos, mitochondrial mass, membrane potential, mitochondrial ROS production,…), high resolution confocal microscopy of mitochondria, transmission electron microscopy, microglia in vitro cultures
Jennifer Andexer
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
RESEARCH: Biomimetic Metabolic Pathways, Metabolic Engineering, Multi-enzyme cascades, Biocatalysis, Enzyme Catalysis
METHODS: Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Heterologous Expression, Analysis via HPLC and LC-MS
Susana Andrade
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute for Biochemistry
RESEARCH: Metabolite signaling, Metabolite transport, Structure and function of Proteins, Channels, Transporters, Receptors, (Metallo-) Enzymes, Transport mechanisms, Receptor activation, Signal transduction, Protein-protein interaction
METHODS: Protein engineering and isolation, Affinity and size-exclusion chromatography, Molecular Biology, X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, Proteoliposomes, Lipids, Detergents, Nanoparticles, SSM-/PLB-Electrophysiology, Microscale thermophoresis, Stopped-flow kinetics
TECHNOLOGIES: Planar Lipid Bilayer Electrophysiology (Warner Instr.), Solid-Supported Membrane Electrophysiology (Nanion Tech.), SX-20 Stopped Flow Spectrometer (Applied Photophysics)
Johanna Nattenmüller
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of Radiology
RESEARCH: Metabolic Imaging, visualization and quantification of adipose tissue and muscle distribution/body composition, link between obesity & cancer, sarcopenia, sarkopenic obesity, obesity paradox, imaging in population-based cohorts and dietary intervention trials
METHODS: Quantification of adipose tissue (visceral & subcutaneous adipose tissue, fat deposits in liver, pancreas, kidney, bone marrow & muscle tissue) with cross-sectional imaging techniques: computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
TECHNOLOGIES: CT and MRI scanner with post-processing software for image analysis
Manfred Jung
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
RESEARCH: Chemical Epigenetics, Immunoncology, Infectious Diseases, Metabolic Signalling, Targeted protein degradation
METHODS: Medicinal Chemistry, Synthesis, Assay development, Small Molecule Screening, Cellular target engagement analysis
TECHNOLOGIES: Organic synthesis infrastructure, Plate washer and readers, 400 MHz NMR for small molecule analysis
Bernd Kammerer
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Organic Chemistry/ Centre for Integrative Signalling Analysis CISA
RESEARCH: Metabolic pathway mapping, metabolic reprogramming, metabolic syndrome, tumor marker and biomarker research, crosstalk signalling and metabolism, metabolomics in personalized medicine
METHODS: Untargeted and targeted metabolome analyses via multidimensional Mass Spectrometry and NMR Analysis.
TECHNOLOGIES: Mass Spectrometry platform in coupling with chromatography and capillary electrophoresis: Agilent QqTOF-MS, 2 Agilent QqQ-MS, Agilent GC-MS, Agilent IT-MS, Bruker Impact QqTOF-MS, Waters Synapt HR-Q(IMS)TOF-MS, 2 Thermo Orbitrap MS, Thermo GC-MS (NMR Analysis in collaboration with the Institute of Organic Chemistry)
Melanie Föll
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Surgical Pathology
RESEARCH: Spatially resolved metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics, tumor microenvironment, tumor heterogeneity, mass spectrometry and metabolomic data science, mass spectrometry method development
METHODS: MALDI mass spectrometry imaging, computational tools and workflows (in Galaxy platform), multi-omics data integration, machine learning, tissue based mass spectrometry
TECHNOLOGIES: MALDI-TOF/TOF, laser capture microdissection, European Galaxy Server
Claudia Jessen-Trefzer
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Organic Chemistry
RESEARCH: Infectious Diseases, Mycobacteria, Mycobacterial Metabolite Transporters, Metabolic Signalling, Signal Transduction, Extracellular Nanocompartments, Synthetic Biology, Mycobacterial Membranes, Antibiotics, Drug or Photosensitizer-Metabolite Conjugates and Organometallic Complexes
METHODS: Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Small Molecule Screening, Targeted Metabolomics by MS, Protein Isolation and Characterization, Proteomics (in collaboration), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Organic Synthesis
TECHNOLOGIES: LED array 96-well plate (Teleopt), ChemStudio (Analytics Jena)
Gunhild Layer
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
RESEARCH: Enzymology of Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis, Anaerobic Energy Metabolism in Prokaryotes, Posttranslational Protein Modification, Protein Biochemistry, Radical Enzymes, Iron-Sulfur Cluster Proteins
METHODS: Aerobic and Anaerobic Protein Production and Purification, HPLC Analysis of Small Molecules, Multi-Enzyme Synthesis, UV/Visible Absorption Spectroscopy, Microscale Thermophoresis, Molecular Biology, EPR and Mössbauer Spectroscopy (via collaboration)
TECHNOLOGIES: Monolith NT.Automated (Nanotemper)
Stephan Rosshart
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of Medicine II (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endocrinology and Infectious Diseases)
RESEARCH: Immunometabolism (Innate and Adaptive Immunity), Host-Microbiota-Crosstalk via Microbial Metabolites in Inflammatory Diseases, Infectious Diseases and Sepsis, Cancer, Nervous System Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Kidney Diseases
METHODS: Screening of Bioactive Microbial Molecules (Global Metabolomics, Complex Lipids, SCFA) Outsourced and via Collaborations, Multi-Omics Data Integration (e.g. Metabolomics, CyTOF, Shotgun Metagenomics) In-House and via Collaborations, Animal Models with Natural Microbiota (Wildlings)
TECHNOLOGIES: BCON BSL-3 BioContainment Rodent Housing System (Plexx), Rodent Surgery Units (Including Microscopic Surgery), Fluorescent-based Cellaca MX High-throughput 24 Sample Automated Cell Counter (Nexcelom Bioscience)
Melanie Börries
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine
RESEARCH: Multi-Omics data analysis, cancer metabolism, (genetic) analyses of metabolic signaling, identification of disease biomarkers and potential therapeutic options, pipeline development for high-throughput data for clinical research and applications (e.g. Molecular Tumor Board)
METHODS: machine learning methods, development and application of standardized workflows for the analysis, integration and visualization of omics data, single-cell analysis, creating user-friendly databases
TECHNOLOGIES: High-performance computer cluster, 10x Genomics
Henning Jessen
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Organic Chemistry
RESEARCH: Phosphate Homeostasis, Stringent Response, Phosphorylated Metabolites, Metabolic Messengers, Polyphosphate, Magic Spot Nucleotides, Dinucleoside Polyphosphates, Inositol phosphates and pyrophosphates, Antibiotics
METHODS: Chemical Synthesis, Capillary Electrophoresis and HPLC Mass Spectrometry, Stable Isotope Labeling, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Cell Culture
TECHNOLOGIES: CE-MS (Agilent) QQQ, CE-MS (Agilent) QTof, Bruker Avance 400 MHz with cryoprobe
Thorsten Friedrich
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Biochemistry
RESEARCH: Biochemistry, Respiration, Energy Conversion, Enzyme Complexes of Respiration: Structure/Function, Biogenesis and Inhibitors, (Ubi)Quinone Chemistry, Reactive Oxygen Species, Structural Biology, Iron-Sulphur clusters, Mitochondria, Bacteria
METHODS: Genetic Manipulation of Microorganisms, Purification of Membrane Proteins, Protein Stability, Inhibitor screening, Protein labeling (EPR-, fluorescent- and IR-probes), Liposome techniques, He-temp. EPR-spectroscopy, Cryo-EM (via collaboration)
TECHNOLOGIES: 10L Fermenter (Bioengineering), Äkta Protein Purification Systems (GE Healthcare), He-temp. X-Band EPR (Bruker), Fluorescence DSC (PerkinElmer), Fluorescence Imaging (Vilber), Oxygen Electrode (HansaTech), Protein Electrochemistry (ProSense)
Andreas Bechthold
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology
RESEARCH: Metabolism, metabolism signaling, Natural products, antibiotics, biosynthesis of natural products, regulation, cyclic di-GMP, cofactor dependent enzymes, transport of natural products, oxygenases, glycoyltrasnferases, microorganisms in insects
METHODS: Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Small Molecule Structure elucidation, Characterization of Natural Products by MS and NMR, Protein structure elucidation, Cryo-EM
TECHNOLOGIES: Triple-Stage-Quadrupol-Massenspektrometer 40-500 + UnliMate 3000 Binäres HPLC-System + DAD (Thermo)
Bertram Bengsch
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of Medicine II (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endocrinology and Infectious Disease)
RESEARCH: Immunometabolism, Metabolic Signalling, Mitochondria, Single-cell Immune Profiling, Mass Cytometry, Imaging Mass Cytometry, Adaptive Immunity, T cells, T cell exhaustion, Signal Transduction, Inflammatory Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Liver Diseases, Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
METHODS: Metabolism-directed flow and mass cytometry, imaging Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, Untargeted Metabolomics by MS and NMR (outsourced and via collaborations)
TECHNOLOGIES: Mass cytometry, Imaging Mass cytometry, Hypoxia chambers, Flow cytometry
CIBSS, SFB/TRR 167, SFB 1160, SFB 1479, DKTK
Maria Stella Carro
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of Neurosurgery
RESEARCH: Epigenetic regulation of fatty acids synthesis enzymes, Cancer Metabolism, Regulation of lipids uptake, Hypoxia, Mesenchymal transformation in glioblastoma, Epigenetics, Tumor invasion and migration, Regulation of protein cleavage, Tumor angiogenesis.
METHODS: Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of lipid synthesis enzymes, Gene expression analysis by RNAseq and qPCR, Identification of protein-protein interaction, Mice xenografts
TECHNOLOGIES: Seahorse XFe96 Flux Analyzer (Agilent), Hypoxic Workstations i2 and H35 (Whitley)
Felicitas Bucher
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Eye Center
RESEARCH: Signal Transduction, Metabolic Signalling, Mitochondria, Cell Biology, Angiogenesis, Retinal Vasoproliferative Disease
METHODS: Pharmacologic Manipulation of Metabolism, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis (via collaboration), mouse models of retinal vasoproliferative disease (mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy, VLDLR Knockout mouse model, Laser-CNV model), RNAseq analysis (outsourced), untargeted Metabolomics (via collaboration)
Oliver Einsle
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Institute of Biochemistry
RESEARCH: Structure and Function of Metabolic Enzymes, , Refactoring of Metabolic Pathways Enzymology, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Structural Biology, Assembly and Biogenesis of Enzymes and Enzyme Complexes
METHODS: Microbiology, Oxic and Anoxic Protein Biochemistry, UV/vis Spectroscopy, EPR Spectroscopy, RT-PCR, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, Analytical Size-Exclusion Chromatography, Molecular Modelling, Cryo-EM, X-ray Crystallography
TECHNOLOGIES: EPR Sprectrometer (Bruker ElexSys 500), X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku), Cryo-EM (Thermo Fisher)
Olaf Groß
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Neuropathology
RESEARCH: Immunometabolism, Cancer Metabolism, Metabolic Signalling, Mitochondria, Innate Immune Sensing, Macrophage Signal Transduction and Cell Biology, Cell Death, Inflammatory, Infectious, Cardiovascular and Nervous System Diseases
METHODS: Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, Small Molecule Screening, Untargeted Metabolomics by MS and NMR (outsourced and via collaborations)
TECHNOLOGIES: Seahorse XFe96 Flux Analyzer (Agilent), Hypoxic Workstations i2 and H35 (Whitley), Multidrop Reagent Dispenser (Thermo)
Michael Bock
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of Radiology, Medical Physics
RESEARCH: Medical Imaging, MRI, Method Development, X-nuclear MRI, Oxygen-17 MRI, Tumor Metabolism, Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Consumption, Warburg Effect
METHODS: Dynamic 17O-MRI, image reconstruction, modeling of oxygen uptake and metabolism, parameter analysis, radio-frequency coil construction
TECHNOLOGIES: Clinical 3T MRI Systems (Siemens PRISMA), radio-frequency laboratory, post-processing algorithms
Anna Köttgen
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Genetic Epidemiology
RESEARCH: Genetic determinants of Metabolite Levels, Metabolite Transport Proteins, Metabolite handling in Kidney, Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Complex metabolic Diseases, Pharmaco-metabolomics
METHODS: Population-scale genetic screens, whole-exome sequencing, multi-Omics data integration (e.g., metabolomics and genomics), non-targeted metabolomics by MS, statistical data analysis of (non-)targeted MS and NMR metabolomics, pathway analysis
Simone Hettmer
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Center for Pediatrics, Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
RESEARCH: Cancer Metabolism, Metabolic Signalling, Signal transduction, Amino Acids, Developmental Biology, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Sarcomas, Oncogenic regulation of tumor metabolism, Antimetabolites as anti-cancer therapeutic agents
METHODS: Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism and Signaling in tumor cells, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, Small Molecule Screening, Untargeted Metabolomics by MS and NMR (outsourced and via collaborations)
TECHNOLOGIES: Mouse and tissue culture models of sarcoma
Nils Wiedemann
Faculty of Medicine – Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
RRSEARCH: Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism, Compartment Specific Metabolomics, Mitochondrial Diseases, Mitochondrial Protein Import and Membrane Insertion, Protein Assembly, Protein Machineries, Cell Biology, Structural Biology
METHODS: Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, Untargeted Metabolomics by MS (via collaborations), Subcellular Fractionation, In vitro import of Radiolabelled Proteins into Isolated Mitochondria, Blue-native PAGE, Biochemistry
TECHNOLOGIES: Seahorse XFe96 Flux Analyzer (Agilent), Cryomill (Retsch)
Ralf Baumeister
Faculty of Biology and Medicine – Institute of Biology 3, Bioinformatics and Molecular Genetics, ZBMZ
RESEARCH: Signaling mechanisms responding to stress and nutrients, ageing and age-related disesases, molecular genetics and biochemistry, C. elegans models of diseases. mTORC1 and mTORC2, SGK-1, signaling mechanisms in tumor biology, programmed cell death, autophagy
METHODS: Genetic dissection of signaling pathways, C. elegans models of human diseases, large scale RNAi screenings, protein interaction studies, DNA and RNA binding, stress biology
TECHNOLOGIES: genome-wide RNAi screenings, mutant screenings, hypoxia chamber, confocal microscopy, C. elegans robotics
Anne-Kathrin Classen
Faculty of Biology – Center for Biological Systems Analysis, CIAS
RESEARCH: Wound and Cancer Metabolism, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Chronic Wounds, Regeneration, Senescence
METHODS: Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Confocal Microscopy, Metabolome analysis (outsourced)
TECHNOLOGIES: In Vivo Drosophila Models, Intraepithelial and Inter-organ Communication
Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics
RESEARCH: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Metabolism, Cancer Stem Cell Metabolism, Metabolic Signalling, Interplay Metabolism-Epigenetics, Dietary Habits and Stem Cell Fate, Quiescence
METHODS: Dietary, Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Untargeted and Targeted (low input 10,000 cells) Metabolomics by MS, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis
Heike Rampelt
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, ZBMZ
RESEARCH: Mitochondrial Respiration & Physiology, Membrane Architecture, MICOS, F1Fo-ATP Synthase, Respiratory Chain, Membrane Contact Sites, Mitochondrial Biogenesis & Dynamics, Mitochondrial Phospholipids, Biochemistry
METHODS: OXPHOS activity assays, Membrane Potential, Native Complex Assembly / Stability by BN-PAGE, Protein-Protein Interactions, Molecular Biology; Membrane Architecture & Dynamics by EM and Fluorescence Microscopy, Mass Spectrometry (via collaborations)
TECHNOLOGIES: OXPHOS activity assays, Native Complex Assembly / Stability by BN-PAGE, Protein-Protein Interactions
Ute Spiekerkötter
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of General Pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine and Neonatology
RESEARCH: Inborn errors of metabolism, mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders, risk and severity profiling, pathophysiology and metabolic switches, organ-specific compensation and environmental modifiers, new therapies
METHODS: Molecular and biochemical phenotyping, functional genomics, targeted metabolomics (disease-specific, pathway-specific, multi-pathway), metabolite panels and metabolic labelling, cell and mouse models, clinical studies, experimental research
TECHNOLOGIES: MetaboCF (DFG listed, RI_00507); Advanced biochemical diagnostic unit: UHPLC Exion/Triple Quadrupole Sciex 5500+ MS, Acquity UPLC/Waters Quattro Premier Triple Quadrupole MS, HPLC Waters 2695 with DAD, Biochrom 30 and 30+ Amino Acid Analyzers, Agilent GC-MS systems, UV-Vis detectors and plate readers
Clemens Kreutz
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics (IMBI), Methods of Systems Biomedicine (MSB)
RESEARCH: Mathematical Modelling, Metabolic Signaling Networks, Link to Microbiome, Link to Proteome, Methods for Single Cell Analyses
METHODS: Mathematical Models, Benchmarking and Optimal Selection of Computational Methods, Development of Novel Analysis Approaches
TECHNOLOGIES: High Performance Computing
Roland Schuele
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Department of Urology
RESEARCH: Epigenetic control of metabolic Signalling, Cancer Metabolism, Mitochondria, Immunometabolism, Reprogramming of tumor microenvironment, Immune Sensing, Epigenetics, Structural Biology, Cell Biology, Medicinal Epigenetics and drug development, Cancer
METHODS: Pharmacologic and Genetic Manipulation of Metabolism, Extracellular Metabolic Flux Analysis, Untargeted Metabolomics by MS and NMR (outsourced and via collaborations), 3D structure analyses, structure-based small molecule drug development
TECHNOLOGIES: Seahorse XFe96 Flux Analyzer (Agilent), Hypoxic Workstations i2 and H35 (Whitley), MS and NMR-based metabolomics, crystal structure analyses, medicinal chemistry
Tanja Vogel
Faculty of Medicine – Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Deptartment Molecular Embryology
RESEARCH: Epigenetic Modification impacting Metabolism, Developmental Processes associated with Metabolic Programs, Nervous System Diseases, Cell Biology, Signal Transduction, Metabolic States driving Stem Cell Specification
METHODS: iPSC, mESC, high throughput data generation and multi-omics analysis, single cell transcriptomics and imaging
TECHNOLOGIES: iPSC and mESC neuronal differentiation; CRISPR/Cas9; RNA- (bulk and single cell), ChIP- and ATAC-seq